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The Facts
Total Project Est. Cost 2022:  $105 BILLION


Tunnels 150 feet X 60 feet (2 tunnels with service corridor)
RE property values
Eminent domain
Water supply/quality
EQ trails, stables, therapy
Audible/visible for miles
Health/safety of horses, wildlife, public
If conveyer belts not used,1 million truck trips 
Road infrastructure
Dirt out; materials in
Dust, truck emissions, noise, vibration

Ongoing Operations

RE property values
EQ trails, stables, therapy
EQ industry losses
Water supply/quality
60 feet X 50 feet tunnel holes
Audible/visible for miles
Noise, dust, vibration
National Monument
National Forest
Rim of the Valley
Wildlife Corridors

Basic Facts of HSR affecting the San Fernando Valley Area

Northern to Southern California Route
We are concerned with the: Palmdale to Burbank Section
200+ miles per hour; electric
Federal, State and Private(?) Funding
At-Grade, Elevated or Tunneled
Tunnels are 60 feet below surface minimum; 45 feet – 50 feet high


Could this happen to us?

READ THE ARTICLE  The drill got stuck under the City of Seattle and they have to dig from the surface to pull it out (what if it got stuck under YOUR house?) Yes, it could happen! See the CNN video: “World’s largest tunneling machine still stuck”.
ALSO! Stuck in Seattle: The Aggravating Adventures of a Gigantic Tunnel Drill

HSR Timeline

2007 – NOI/NOP
2008 – approved by voters (52%); existing transportation and utility corridors; $9 billion
Fall 2013 – Supervisor Antonovich tunneling request
August – EIR/EIS scoping meetings; “yellow banana” debuted
Sept. 12 – end scoping period; 6,000 comments
September – S.A.F.E. Officially formed
October 10 -San Gabriel Mountains became a National Monument
December 2 – East Corridor alternatives revealed
December 22 – S.A.F.E. Position Statement
December 25 – Congressman Schiff calls for HSR to “scrap its plan to study the Angeles National Forest as a possible route and go back to its original plan.”
January 7 – Daily News front page, NBC, ABC news coverage
January 7 – Permit-to-Enter (PTE) letters received by property owners
January 13 – Train Wreck Meeting at All Nations Church
February/March – HSR Authority holds Community Outreach meetings with Community Leaders
March, April, May and June – S.A.F.E. Coalition meetings with CHSRA, working and community groups meetings continue
June – CHSRA Board Meeting held in downtown Los Angeles–hundreds of stakeholders protest and testify–meeting runs from 9am to 7pm with no break
3rd Quarter 2015 – HSR to begin EIR/EIS for Palmdale to Los Angeles (delayed)
April – Refined routes Map released (SR14, E1, E2 — [E3 was eliminated])
December – Geotechnical studies are performed in Angeles National Forest
June 2017 – Preferred alternative route be announced (DELAYED UNTIL AT LEAST FALL 2018)
Fall 2018 – CHSRA promises to have their board meeting in N.E. San Fernando Valley – NEVER HAPPENS
September 2018 – Preferred alternative route finally announced (Refined SR14)

November 2018 – CHSRA holds Board meeting in Burbank

November 2018 – Scathing state audit blasts CHSRA for massive mismanagement

February 2019 – Gov. Newsom gives “state of the state” address. Says will finish Central Valley segment and statewide EIRS to avoid repaying $3.5 billion in federal grant moneys
2020 – Record of Decision delayed

September 2022 - Draft EIR for Palmdale to Burbank released

Dollar Notes
The project's costs are out of control.  The cost estimates have increased 536% over the original budget in 1996

SAFE Coalition, PO Box 345, Sunland, CA 91040

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